2019 Texas Craft Brewers Festival

Texas Craft Brewers Festival 2019

Date: 09/28 | Time: 2 PM – 6:30 PM | Location: Fiesta Gardens

Texas Craft Brewers Festival. The greatest showcase of Texas craft beer. EVER.

The Texas Craft Brewers Fest is the largest beer festival for and by Texas Brewers. This annual event features the best of Texas craft beer and displays the thriving beer community across the Lone Star State.

Much has happened with craft beer since the first Texas Craft Brewers Festival in 2003.

Homebrewers and entrepreneurs have launched and grown craft beer businesses to serve nearby communities. Laws have been changed to make accessing Texas craft beer easier. People curious to discover new tastes have become fans, and those fans devotees. 

Throughout craft beer’s re-emergence, an underlying ethos has held strong:

They are a community. They support and respect each other. And their mutual appreciation of the people, the process and the product enriches them. 

The Texas Craft Brewers Festival and the Texas Craft Brewers Guild embrace this ethos, striving to be true to Texas craft beer and to benefit all involved. Today, as in 2003, the Texas Craft Brewers Festival remains by and for the Texas craft brewers and the Texas craft beer community. 

They are proud to support Austin Habitat for Humanity with a portion of event proceeds.

2019 Texas Craft Brewers Festival is produced by the Texas Craft Brewers Guild.

To more about the 2019 Texas Craft Brewers Festival, click here.

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