Healthier Texas Summit

Healthier Texas Summit

Date: 10/17- 10/18  | Time: 5 PM | Location: AT&T Hotel and Conference Center

The Healthier Texas Summit is a collaboration between IT’S TIME TEXAS and the University of Texas System.

The Healthier Texas Summit is a two-day event for Texas’ thought leaders and health champions from diverse sectors to make connections that will catalyze their work. This is only health event of its kind in the state. The Summit offers informative sessions, town hall conversations, and interactive workshops, with education credits available for numerous professions. If you work to improve the health of Texans, this event is for you.

We know that improving health in our communities requires collaborative work. We would work with partners outside of our organizations, disciplines, silos, sectors, and comfort zones. Cross-sector work is key to preventing chronic disease, addressing social determinants of health, improving health equity, and receiving the greatest value from our health dollars. We also know that cross-sector collaboration can be difficult. But we believe Texas is up to the challenge.

At this year’s Healthier Texas Summit, we will hear stories and enter into conversations not only about our collaboration successes, but also about where it gets hard. We will hear how challenges can be resolved, so we can more fully unite for a Healthier Texas.

For more information, click here.

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