Beginner Series at Tango Tribe

Beginner Series at Tango Tribe

Date: 10/22 | Time: 7 PM – 8 PM | Location: Tango Tribe​

Passionate, sensual and instinctive, Argentine tango is the most captivating dance of modern times.

A new beginner series at Tango Tribe starts with the first Tuesday of each month, and they welcome drop-ins, too.

Each week they weave into the lesson some of the history of the dance, the natural movements basis of the dance, the codigos (codes) of the milonga (the social dance party), the styles of the famous orchestras. This series of classes will prepare you to begin attending the many milongas and practicas in Austin and elsewhere with confidence.

No experience, no partner, no dance shoes required.

Week One
Caminar Abrazados — to walk in an embrace
Famously, Argentine tango is a dance of the beautiful walk, where we move in an intimate embrace with our partner across the floor with elegance, grace, power, musicality, and creativity.

Week Two
Spirals — a universal force of beauty
Spirals of muscles in our body power our turning, pivoting movements, and spirals create beautiful patterns on the dance floor. Learn la media luna figuras.

Week Three
La Cruzada — the cross
One partner takes a “shortcut” so as to confront their partner. An iconic move and one of the unique elements of Argentine tango. Add interesting musical accents to the dance.

Week Four
Systems — beautifully simple principles that form the dance
Tying together all that they’ve learned this month,  see how a handful of simple ideas (two walking systems and three steps choices with respect to our partner) create all the rich improvisational possibilities of the dance.

For more information on the Beginner Series at Tango Tribe, click here.

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