Date: 03/09 | Time: 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM | Location: Scholz Garten
Austin Outside is a new coalition of nonprofit and businesses that have joined together to champion outdoor places in Austin.
Come join us to celebrate the official launch of this collaborative effort!
Come learn why this new organization has an important role to play bringing together parks and trails advocates, learn about their 2020 priorities, and hear from a few member organizations about interesting projects.
Speakers will include:
Joanna Wolaver, Austin Outside Board
Peter Mullan, Waterloo Greenway CEO, speaking about the Urban Greenbelt and an update on Waterloo Park construction.
Clark Hancock, Save Barton Creek Association Board President, speaking about the “Explorer’s Guide to the Hill Country Oasis.”
Ivey Kaiser, Shoal Creek Conservancy Executive Director, speaking about the Big Loop Trail
Teff Siff, Austin Outside Board
We hope that you can join us!
For more information, click here.